Food and Agriculture

W.S. Merwin – Inheritance

Food and Agriculture Paper Assignment

LINKS to issues in botany related to food and agriculture:

Monsanto’s perspective:

The same issue examined by the Institute for Responsible Technology:

GMO Myths and Truths from ‘Earth Open Source’ :


Sustainability – oil and agriculture – the oil we eat –

What can we do ?

Do we have power to make meaningful efforts right now ?


Growing the next generation of farmers – Young Agrarians : Sea To Seed from Films For Action on Vimeo.

Of course we do. We can simply give more awareness to our own choices and diet. We can look for and try to buy more healthful, local, organic, fair trade products where they exist.

We can look for and try to buy more healthful, local, organic, fair trade products where they exist.

We can make an effort to find and support local farm-to-table markets like the one right here at Overbrook Presbyterian Church.

We can subscribe to a local CSA farm and directly support the efforts of a community farm while purchasing healthy fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and eggs from someone we come to know as a grower, someone with whom we create a relationship.

Here’s one:

We can give, even small amounts, to non-profit organizations that support sustainable agriculture, farmworker justice, and seed saving initiatives.

We can write to our state and federal representatives to let them know we care about these issues and they should too and we can find organizations that can direct our efforts to support specific pieces of legislation.

Model from California –

So while we are in a continuing place of finding our way to that which calls to us in our lives, we can be active right now in this very moment. We can also be a model to others of care and concern, of mindfulness. We should remember we are all modeling the potential embodied in our own humanity.

Rural Subsistence Agriculture in southern Africa

Susan Tsvangirai plowing in rural Zim – photo credit by Sokwanele on Flickr

Sekiwa_01_Dec_2011 – This is an mp3 audio file of 17 minutes length – in it Sekiwa talks about planting crops, preparing the soil, and what happens if it doesn’t rain during the growing season.

Sekiwas place

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