20 Families

Here are some great examples of plant species from twenty plant families you will come to know. Each family has a scientific name, and many also have one or more common names, for example, the Solanaceae is often known as the nightshade family, and the Lamiaceae is sometimes called the mint family.

Anacardiaceae – Sumac family

Rhus typhina – sumac; Mangifera indica – mango; Anacardium occidentale – cashew

Apiaceae – Carrot family

Daucus carota – carrots  Daucus carota – carrot flowers

Asteraceae – Daisy or sunflower family

Disk and ray flowers on Rudbeckia subtomentosa; Echinacea tennesseensis, Tennessee purple coneflower; This flower has disk only! Grindelia squarrosa (gumweed)

Brassicaceae – Mustard family

Brassica oleracea – purple cauliflower

Convulvulaceae – Morning glory family

Ipomoea tricolor ‘Summer Skies” morning glory; Ipomoea quamoclit, cardinal climber

Curcurbitaceae – Squash family

Cucurbita pepo – ornamental gourds;  Cucurbita palmata, coyote melon in NM

Ericaceae – Heath or heather family’

Vaccinium macrocarpon – wild cranberries;      Kalmia angustifolia, sheep laurel in ME

Fabaceae – Bean family

Lupinus caudatus in NM; Coral pea, Hardenbergia violacea; White clover, Trifolium repens

Fagaceae – Oak family

American beech, Fagus grandifolia; Black oak, Quercus velutina; Bur oak, Quercus macrocarpa; Chestnut oak, Quercus prinus; Notholithocarpus densiflorus – not a typical acorn (Calif)

Lamiaceae – Mint family

Coleus – Solenostemon leaves and stem Ocimum basilicum – sweet basil; Salvia x ‘Amistad’

Lauraceae – Laurel family

Spicebush (Lindera benzoin) fruits in late summer

Liliaceae – Lily family

Tricyrtis hirta ‘toad lily’; Gloriosa rothschildiana, flame lily

Magnoliaceae – Magnolia family

Liriodendron tulipifera – tulip tree in bloom; Magnolia kobus

Orchidaceae – Orchid family

Paphiopedilum culitvar in botanic garden

Poaceae – Grass family

Sorghum bicolor in seedCorn tassels Zea mays; Sugar cane Saccahrum officinale on Maui

Polygonaceae – Buckwheat family

Polygonatum perfoliataum, Mile-a-minute weed; Eriogonum jamesii, James’ buckwheat

Rosaceae – Rose family

Beach rose, Rosa rugosa; Almond, Prunus amygdalus

Sapindaceae – Soapberry family

Sugar maple, Acer saccharum; Rambutan, Nephelium lappaceum

Solanaceae – Nightshade family

Solanum tuberosum – potato flowers; Solanum elaeagnifolium – silverleaf nightshade; Datura wrightii, sacred datura.

Vitaceae – Grape family

Vitis vinifera “Pinot noir”; Vitis vinifera Muscava bianca; commerical vineyards, CAa